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Friday, July 8, 2011

Departure and Arrival

I wake up on Wednesday morning, July 6th, in a daze. Even though "today's the day," it still doesn't feel like I'm going to New Zealand. There are mixed emotions as always: happy, sad, excited, nervous. I finish last-minute packing, and before I know it I'm driving to the airport, waving goodbye to my family, and then taxiing on the tarmac. The flight from NYC-->LA is long and cramped, but my iPod, book, and noise-canceling headphones (thanks you Spraos'!) make it bearable. Next up it's the looong night flight from LA-->Auckland. 13 hours, a free beer (yay international flights), and a sleeping pill later, I've arrived in New Zealand. Local date and time: Friday, July 8th, 8:30am. Did I just time travel?

Immigration, baggage claim, and customs go smoothly, though the dog sniffing our bags for illegally imported fruits (not drugs?) does spook me out a bit. Me and the other exchange students on the flight gradually congregate by the exit to be whisked away by taxis to our various accommodations.

We arrive at the Wellesley Apartments, or WSA, where I will be living. It's a convenient 5 minute walk to the University of Auckland campus, and sports wonderful views of the surrounding downtown area. After a couple hours of unpacking and getting settled, the other kids on my program (IES Abroad) living in WSA meet in the lobby to attend our first orientation meeting. Despite the jet lag I manage to stay awake through the lecture and the following dinner. But afterward, I happily return to my flat for a good nights sleep and a fairly early end to my first day.

The view from my flat